#Windows11 no longer supports countless CPUs. Millions of computers will end up in the trash. This is forced obsolescence.
Why don't you act in the spirit of environmental sustainability? Lern your lessions & do your part!
#ClimateCrisis #LackOfResources
@micha @merill I have till eol win10 - I think it's 2025 plus a probable can kicking down the road - to figure out how to install chrome flex.
Yes, poor decision making, poor marketing "your computer is not good enough without tpm 2 and our whizbang", poor rollout, but millions of computers will not end up in the trash due to forced obsolescence. A bit more than the already stupid amount due to this, sure, but it's not eol for all non win11 personal computers.
@DarinSimmons @merill the non-tech-savvy people will buy a new computer. And the others will run Windows 10 until they can't anymore. Only a few will switch to Linux.
You only have to look at the lists of which CPUs are supported and which are not. The number of unsupported computers exceeds the number of computers running Windows 11 by a factor of tens. And this in times of climate crisis and resource bottlenecks.
Brad Smith (CEO) spoke at COP26 about the importance of saving CO2 emissions.
@micha @merill 100% agree that Brad Smith is talking out both sides of his mouth. Also agree that Linux and Chrome Flex will not save a lump of computers from the landfill. Google has its own Chromebook landfill issue. Apple has its own e-waste rubbish, literally and figuratively. Microsoft is solving its problem by foisting the solution on the environment just like all the others have. I think we agree this doesn't make it okay.
The solution is either solve Microsoft's security issue a different way or find homes for those computers. Brad Smith is a CEO, I'm not expecting him to change course or even be honest.
As for the lump of additional computers, anything above zero is unfortunate. So now what is the course of action to cleaning up (yet another) corporate decision.