In case anyone needs to see daffodils today…
(Apologies for the grey clouds. They are beyond my control.)
“If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.”
~ St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Today’s #bloomscrolling bounty:
Draba verna (so tiny and difficult to snap a pic of)
Scilla bifolia
Petasites hybridus
Anemone nemorosa
Pileworts were surprisingly timid today.
And now please excuse me while I go die on my couch because I got 30km of biking with quite a few altitude variations in my legs.
#flowers #flores #trees #Bloomscrolling #Iowa
A week has passed, and the Cornelian Cherry (Dogwood) flowers have made some progress.
Ceanothus (California lilac) and artemisia #bloomscrolling
Too much wtf in the world right now
A duck enjoying the blooms.
#bloomscrolling #flowers #Fotomontag #Photomonday
Pflaume kurz vorm Explodieren
Here, take some (pre)flowers because tomorrow is Monday.
My peach tree is about to go BOOM! I hope this hideous wind storm hasn't knocked the buds off. I really hate wind.
#BloomScrolling #SundayFlowers
Frühlingsharmonie meiner liebsten Frühlingsboten - Krokusse und Frühlingsknotenblumen - im Wald.
Die Krokusse sind in unseren Lagen schon am Vergehen, anderswo wo jetzt noch Schnee liegt werden sie bald weiterhin den Frühling verkünden.
#52wfc25 Nr. 11 by @norberteder