heiße Diskussion und Profil.
Freiburger Politikwissenschaftler haben rausgefunden, dass:
„attitudes towards #Waldorf education, #homeopathy, and mainstream medicine are significantly associated with immunization status. Secondly, for individuals with positive views towards mainstream medicine, voluntary considerations (e.g., protecting self or others) primarily drive immunization decisions“
#Anthros lassen sich wegen Druck #impfen. Normalos um sich zu schützen! @AnthroBlogger
I diluted my cash with newspaper and thus increased my purchasing power.
#SGU #TheSkepticsGuideToTheUniverse:
The Skeptics Guide #997 - Aug 17 2024
#Election Scams; News Items: Childhood #Vaccines, Alien #Solar_Panels, Stuck in the #ISS, #Framing and #Global_Warming, Promoting #Homeopathy; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Webseite der Episode: https://www.theskepticsguide.org/podcast/sgu
Mediendatei: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/skepticsguide/skepticast2024-08-17.mp3
ATTN: Homeopathy is a scam and naturopaths are NOT doctors #scam #con #homeopathy #notadoctor https://www.wonkette.com/p/missouri-republicans-cant-wait-to
https://www.theblaze.com/news/ny-midwife-fined-300000-for-giving-1500-children-homeopathic-pellets-instead-of-vaccinations-for-measles-and-polio HOMEOPATHY IS NOT MEDICINE. This person deserves jail time & loss of midwifery privileges as well as a significant fine. #homeopathy #scam #magicalthinking #science #medicine #midwife
#holistic #homeopathy #alternativemedicine #lies #misinformation #charlatans #snakeoil #fake File this one under the “You Can’t Make This Sh!t Up” category https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/30/man-charged-manslaughter-woman-dies-slapping-therapy/
All true (and not at all contrary to anything I said previously despite the implication) but none of which excuse those who profit from the logic-impaired general public by peddling antique pseudo remedies.
#homeopathy #superstition #hokum
Firstly, I DID NOT say that and never would because it's an absurd statement.
What I said is that #homeopathy as described by its purveyors is illogical and contra-scientific. It began as a wild hypothesis and turned out to be wrong, however, by the selective and varying misuse of borrowed scientific terms it can be made to seem plausible to those uneducated in rational critical thinking. Biology and especially human medicine have always been prone to this sort of abuse.
#Homeopathy is a sociological phenomenon (specifically a well known self-deception continued in modern times as a profitable con trick). It doesn't require a 'scientific explanation' because there's nothing scientific or logical about it.
You can't just make shit up and then say 'hey, quantum mechanics' and look cool any more.
#hokum #pseudoscience
#TinaTurner writes about how hypertension caused her kidneys to fail and how the false promises of #Homeopathy made things far, far worse for her. Damn. "Alternative" medicine is not an alternative. Period. https://www.showyourkidneyslove.com/articles/my-kidney-are-victims-of-my-elevated-blood-pressure-tina-turner/
Well, hello. Giving this a go.
I am the editor of The Skeptic magazine (the UK one!), the #skeptical campaigner who brought an end to #nhs #homeopathy, the guy who spent 2021 in online #antivax groups tracking how they slid into extremism, or the podcaster who talks positively to people with all manner of unusual beliefs.
Or you might know me as that person @elibosnick keeps spreading lies about.
Check out my various projects in the links on my profile, and say hi!